Before discussing Restasis and or Generic Restasis, we first need to understand Dry Eye Syndrome and how our body constructs our natural tears. Dry Eye Syndrome occurs when their is insufficient tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. This is either from a lack of tear production or from a reduced quality of the tears produced.
During a complete eye exam we access the quality of your tear film in order to make sure that the eyes are healthy. This is also quite important for a patient who would like to wear contact lenses.

Tears are made up of three layers: oil, water, and mucus. Each component protects and nourishes the front surface of the eye. A smooth oil layer prevents evaporation of the water layer, while the mucus layer functions in spreading the tears over the surface of the eye evenly. A failure of one component of the “tear film” will result in a breakdown of the synergy between the three layers and ensuing dry eye symptoms.
Artificial tears come in a few types and work in appreciably different ways. Some artificial tears help support the mucus layer whereas others create more lipids or add to the aqueous supply. However, none of these actually cause the eye to produce more and healthier tears.
Cyclomune or Restasis
Restasis or Cyclomune (cyclosporine ophthalmic solution 0.05%), are ophthalmic emulsions designed to treat inflammation. Inflammation is a common culprit causing dry eye syndrome. Removing the inflammation tends to once again allow the eyes to produce more and healthier tears. The advantage of these two products is that they actually increase the production of healthy tears in a greater volume.
The chief difference between Restasis and Cyclomune is the price difference. Allergan has done an excellent job marketing Restasis. Cylomune will not be found in pharmacies but can be found with internet searches.